kidney cancer patients & their loved ones sharing personal journeys & information obtained along the way via this blog and our chat room to support one another and help bring awareness to this lessor known cancer.

Paying it Forward by providing support to those who will unfortunately follow our paths while also honoring those who are no longer with us.

KCWs Chain of Love: Reaching forward with one hand to those who paved the path before us, reaching behind us with the other hand to those who will unfortunately follow our journey.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Featured Warrior of the Month for May 2011: Sue Guenther

Sue has agreed to share her post in her caringbridge site from today May 1, 2011.  This entry is differenet in the stories shared previously. Her focus is not based on when she was diagnosed or the different procedures she's been through or the different treatments she's been on.  When I first requested that she share her story, her hesitation was that these details are not her main focus.  Her main focus is obvious .... after you read her entry.  She would much prefer talk about what God has done in and thru her life in her kidney cancer journey.  Thank you Sue for sharing and thank you for allowing us all to be a part of what God has done in your life using your kidney cancer!  God is always bigger than our problems ~ that's a lesson I keep learning over and over.  I do hope you'll read Sue's story.