kidney cancer patients & their loved ones sharing personal journeys & information obtained along the way via this blog and our chat room to support one another and help bring awareness to this lessor known cancer.

Paying it Forward by providing support to those who will unfortunately follow our paths while also honoring those who are no longer with us.

KCWs Chain of Love: Reaching forward with one hand to those who paved the path before us, reaching behind us with the other hand to those who will unfortunately follow our journey.


Glossary with Chat & Medical Abbreviations, Medical Terms, Etc.


Most Common Medical Abbreviations Used In Chat:

dx - diagnosis
sx - symptoms

s/e - side effects
mets - metastatic (cancer spread elsewhere besides primary tumor locations)

neph - nephrectomy (kidney removed)
rad - radical

BID - twice a day
TID - three times a day
QID - four times a day
qam - every am
qhs - every night at bedtime
qpm - every evening
prn - as needed

po - by mouth
iv - intravenous
subq - subqutaneous
im - intramuscular

Chat Abbreviations/Text Msg

ttyl           talk to you later
brb           be right back
gn            goodnight
lol            laughing out loud; lots of love; living on love
idk           I don't know
((((   ))))   cyber hug


radical nephrectomy vs partial nephrectomy - sometimes it is possible to take part of the kidney instead of all of the kidney.  When taking all the kidney, it is called radical or full; when taking part of the kidney, it is called partial.

open vs laproscopically - with the new technology, it is sometimes possible to remove the kidney via a laproscopic procedure rather than making a large incision on abdomen or in back (open) to remove the kidney.

Stage - determines how far the cancer has spread ~ Stage I to Stage IV (with Stage IV being the worst)

Furman - determines how aggressive the cancer cell (Furman I to Furman IV with Furman IV being the most aggressive)